
The King of Neverwas a poem for our time. (Never mind BREXIT)

The King of Neverwas
was very good at subterfuge
and prestidigitation.
He plucked out Hope and flourished it
and showed it to the nation,
and then he flew it like a kite
as his very own invention.

‘Ooh’ and ‘Ah!’ the people cried
as Hope began to fly.
‘Now you see it, now you don’t.’
said the King, as he passed by.
But Hope the kite grew pale and thin
and dropped down from the sky.

For his next trick he captured Truth.
He grappled it and it fought back.
He got it cornered in a box,
so it could not attack.
He locked and barred and bolted it.
‘Let’s see you get out of that!’ 

‘That’s not right!’ shouted the crowd,
‘Truth cannot be confined!’
So he tamed the Truth with soft-boiled eggs
and butter on the side.
Truth became unrecognisable,
and everyone wanted a ride.

But it became too fat to walk,
though he took it out to the Park
on Sundays, on a silver chain;
people paid to hear it bark.
But they couldn’t tell if it was Truth
or the chatter of lies in the dark.

The Hocus Pocus didn’t work.
The people all turned away
and the King of Neverwas went off
to find a new game to play
and truth and hope have lost their place
and oh! we rue the day.

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22 Responses

  1. AMAN

    This poem is very philosophical seems like that it has a deep message that it leaves behind. The ending part was filled with disbelief as the king cannot make his point clear.

  2. Alex

    A poem about Father Time I like that. It can also be a symbol for people and todays society. This is a poem but it is more than that.

  3. Oyeyipo Oladele

    This is a meaningful poem post. This poem has really taken me back to the existence of my late father.

  4. Wilson Jake

    This is truly a poem that fit in our current situations. I just wish our leaders and be more sincere and up to the task. God help us

  5. Meldred Judith

    The message is implied. Its depth is quite great. I hope to read more of this.

  6. Prince

    He tamed the through with soft boiled egg; this got me thinking. Truly truth are always hidden with little things that looks helpful or needed .

  7. Danielle M

    Wonderful poem, it describes exactly how difficult is to recognize the truth in the current times.

  8. Irene

    Reading this poem makes me think about the status of people’s hope nowadays and where does the truth stands. It is very easy to lose our hopes when the truth was tamed.

  9. Irene

    It is very easy to lose our hopes when the truth was tamed. Reading this poem makes me think about the status of people’s hope nowadays and where does the truth stands.

  10. Jerry

    A peom that is so timely it has been posted when truly truth has eluded us all. It is just a sad thing

  11. Roy

    A very telling poem indeed. It’s particularly very relevant to the ongoing Brexit.

  12. Meg W

    I am in awe of this poem. It’s basically a description of how world governments operate the world over.

  13. Patricia

    I appreciate the insightful poem. The King basically represents the government.

  14. Oliver

    Indeed, the truth can never be confined. I couldn’t agree more with that sentiment.

  15. Daphne

    It is a timeless poem. Its words will remain relevant for generations to come.

  16. Louis

    I can sum up this poem in one phrase. You can lie to some people some times, but you can’t lie to all the people all the time.

  17. Anderson

    I am having a hard time linking the poem to Brexit. Maybe there’s something I am missing?

  18. Storm

    What I like most about the poem is the fact that it transcends time. I could read it five decades from now and it would still be relevant.

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