
Cheered up by a good review: Child With No Name.

Reported on the BBC programme ‘On This Day’ 26.12.2004:

Thousands die in Asian tsunami:
Massive sea surges triggered by an earthquake under the Indian Ocean have killed over 10,000
people in southern Asia, with many more feared dead.
An 8.9 magnitude earthquake under the sea near Aceh, North Indonesia, at 0759 local time (0059
GMT) generated the biggest tsunami the world has seen for at least 40 years. The wall of water
fanned out across the Indian Ocean at high speed and slammed into coastal areas with little or no
warning. Officials in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India have all reported death tolls in the thousands
and the figures are expected to rise sharply over the next few days. “This may be the worst
natural disaster in recent history.”

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